Friday, July 20, 2012

Singing in Family Worship

Taken from Thoughts on Family Worship (1847) by Pastor James W. Alexander,

"The use of psalmody in domestic worship, tends to the improvement of this part of divine service in public. We may push the art and exquisite harmony of choirs, or select companies, to any degree of advancement, however high, yet the great end will not be attained, until we secure the united voices of the whole congregation...We believe that the revival of psalmody in the house, would contribute to train voices for the sanctuary. In order to have this effect, it should not be left to take care of itself, or be executed in a careless, random way. Some pains should be taken to select suitable tunes, and to make every member of the household familiar with them...[T]he daily exercise itself is a school of music; and we have never known a family in which it was common, that did not attain to some excellence in this department....It would be a peculiar pleasure to the writer of these lines, if he could know that he had succeeded in bringing the vocal praise of God into the daily worship of even a single household...It is mournful to think, that a service which was so precious to our ancestors, and which they made sacrifices to enjoy, even when under the sword of persecution, should die out of many Christian families in these days of peace, when there is no lack of worldly rejoicings."

1 comment:

Savories of life said...

This was a good post! We have been singing old hymns from other lands and are up to France and we will be singing a Psalm or two!